Monday, May 7, 2012

Interview With A Superhero

Faith told me the other day that she is a superhero. She told me she is Super Cute. So I got out the video camera then continued our conversation :)

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Phone Call From Faith

Faith loves to talk on the phone!!! But you would never know it since she always runs away when someone talks on the other end of the phone.... She prefers pretend conversations with her grandparents. The other day I caught her in a talkative mood while she didn't mind being video-taped. Usually she silences quickly when the camcorder comes out. This particular day, she didn't. Here's her pretend conversations with Gramma, Grampa, Granny, Pa, Mommy & Daddy: 

I thought about writing a transcript... but I don't know what she's saying in a lot of it, too... hehe  

Most of the time she's telling everyone how she's in Nathan's nap time tent. That's most of what I can pick up from her conversations ;-)

Story behind the tent.... Nathan usually naps in the guest bedroom, so when company comes, he sleeps in the loft in a tent. After Granny & Pa left a few weeks ago, we left the tent up for just over a month cause the kids loved playing in it ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009


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